CETA Student Ambassadors Program – Changing and trending with the times:
The CETA Student Ambassadors Program is evolving this fall 2016 and
the 19 CETA Ambassadors are ready for the year! The program was
initially conceived and developed in the fall of 2013 by Dr. Hisham
Alnajjar (Associate Dean), Dr. Ying Yu (ECE Dept Co-Chair) & Kelly
Cofiell (Turner) (Enrollment Manager) through a grant from the Women’s
Advancement Initiative (then Women’s Education and Leadership Fund).
This program was founded as a female only organization has gone co-ed
this fall. The program has been funded by CETA since fall 2015.
As women have historically been under-represented in the engineering
and technology disciplines/programs across the nation, including the
College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture (CETA), the first
two-year pilot program was focused on recruiting women student members
only. The long term plan for the CETA Student Ambassadors Program was to
include a balanced number of both female and male students and that
process has begun this fall.
The pilot program expanded from 8 members to 16 in the fall of 2014
due to the effort of a new and energetic leader. Ms. Julie Spring, the
CETA Director of Collegiate Student Services, joined the program and she
is behind making the program a success within CETA. She hopes to spread
the successful program model throughout the university.
The program membership is CETA students from all undergraduate majors
and they serve as representatives of CETA. They participate in
recruitment events such as Preview Days (open houses), prospective
students’ luncheons and receptions interacting with prospective students
and families and sharing their knowledge of all the different CETA
programs, their unique CETA and University of Hartford experiences. CETA
Ambassadors frequently assist with CETA Dean’s events, conduct
one-on–one tours, participate in the first-year student mentoring
program, and most importantly aim to build a welcoming community within
CETA. At the same time, the Ambassadors are given opportunities to
enhance their communication skills and leadership skills during their
tenure as CETA Student Ambassadors.
In addition to welcoming male student ambassadors this fall, CETA
Student Ambassadors Leadership Team will also begin to develop outreach
to local high-schools in the hopes of bringing STEM to a few area high
schools in CT and looking to share their stories of how they discovered
STEM and all it has to offer. This year will also serve as a
developmental year as the CETA Student Ambassadors and Leadership Team
hope to continue to evolve and grow with the ever changing needs of
educational environments, prospective students and their families and
CETA and the current program advisors, Ms. Julie Spring, Dr. Hisham
Alnajjar, and Dr. Ying Yu are thrilled to see the student ambassador
movement spreading throughout the University of Hartford community and
look forward to continued growth and success of all student leaders.
UNOTES - 11/3/16