Monday, November 25, 2013

Shertukde to Write Textbook on Digital Control Applications

Hemchandra Shertukde, professor of electrical and computer engineering, CETA, has received another contract from CRC Press, a Taylor and Francis Publishing Co., to write a new solo book entitled Digital Control Applications Illustrated with Matlab, to be completed for submission on May 31, 2014. This is an 800-page text for undergraduate and graduate students.

This is on the heels of completing his earlier book, entitled Distributed Photo Voltaic Grid Transformers, on July 31, 2013, to be published on March 7, 2014 by CRC Press as well. The latter is in completion of the sabbatical award that  Shertukde received for Fall 2012.
Please visit or for more details on books published by Shertukde over the past three years.

During the week of Oct. 19-24, Shertukde presented further work on the User's Guide for DPV Grid Transformers as a part of the Working Group C.57.159 of the IEEE-Transformer Committee as a part of Power Energy Society (PES) in St. Louis, Mo. Shertukde is also the chair of this working group. IEEE-PES is responsible for publishing standards, user's guides, and recommendations to be followed by the electrical industry worldwide, as co-sponsored and published by ANSI.

King Named Finalist for Engineer of the Year in Ireland

Eoin King, assistant professor of mechanical engineering and acoustics, CETA, was named a finalist for the title of Chartered Engineer of the Year in his native Ireland.

Engineers who become licensed professionals in Ireland are called "Chartered Engineers," and a select few from each year’s 450+ new license holders are cited for this distinction.
King was nominated for his development of strategic noise maps for all major roads in Ireland, representing the most exhaustive environmental noise assessment undertaking to date in that country. He has already been awarded the Innovation Voucher from Enterprise Ireland for this accomplishment.
"Noise mapping involves the graphical representation of noise," King says. "In this case it was the average noise level over a complete year of Ireland's road network. We use the noise maps to analyze where the problems are and where people are exposed to the most noise. This allows us to identify noise hotspots. We pass this information on to the local authority which can then develop a noise action plan to deal with the problems.”
Before starting this fall at the University of Hartford, King earned his PhD in 2008 from Trinity College, Ireland, where he studied environmental acoustics. He subsequently taught undergraduate classes at Trinity College Dublin and The Dublin Institute of Technology, and served as coordinator for the Institute of Acoustics’ tutored distance learning Diploma in Acoustics and Noise Control. An avid musician and guitarist, King is excited about his move to the United States and starting here in the University of Hartford acoustics program.