Wednesday, December 13, 2017

CETA Design Expo – Fall 2017: A Great Success

CETA Design Expo - fall 2017 - Judging

CETA Design Expo - fall 2017 - First-Year Winners

CETA Design Expo - fall 2017 - Senior Winners
On Friday, Dec. 8, 2017 – The College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture (CETA) celebrated the accomplishments of the first - year ES 143 / ECT 110 – final projects and senior design projects and project-based courses students with CETA Design Expo: Fall 2017 – event and poster competitions.  The half-day event was held once again in the Sports Center, Intramural Gym and was a day of exhibition and celebration. 

The ES 143Engineering and Design, newly designed this fall, the classes focus on an introduction to the fundamentals of engineering, the engineering profession and engineering design with emphasis on guided design and problem-solving methodologies. Students will undertake practice-oriented group design projects. The Design Challenge for these classes focused on proposing, building and demonstrating a final robot project that shows new knowledge and skills pertaining to the kit.  New knowledge and skills may be in the form of implementation of two new sensors, novel application of an existing sensor and/or advanced programming techniques beyond the code given in the manual.
The Awards of Excellence for ES 143 – first-year poster competition were awarded as follows:

First-Year: ES 143 –

Group: E2: Chris Stauber, Eva Von Dell, Teresa Torres, Jack Breton

Arduino Locking Door

Prof. Ayanoglu

Group E23: Justin Aiken, Yasmin Albur, Natenael Bekele, Matthew Irving

Autonomous City

Prof. Faraci

Group E26: Jacob Kalat, Kamil Kus, Sebastian Lopez

Smart Greenhouse

Prof. Faraci

The ECT 110Practical Projects classes focus on introduction to the fundamentals of electronics & computer engineering technology with emphasis on skills that are needed for the major. Students undertake practice-oriented group lessons in topics such as soldering, printed circuit board and electronic/computers troubleshooting skills. Students are guided to apply the skills they gained from the above lessons to build electronic gadgets, and to use robotic kits to perform specific tasks through team projects. Statistical analysis is covered in this course as well. Students work on several projects including a final project in a team setting. For the Design Challenge for these classes each team must choose an electronics kit that they must construct, troubleshoot, and demonstrate as a working final product. Teams were asked to consider several factors in choosing the kit, including components in the kit, tasks involved in construction, ability to customize, and evaluation of its performance.
The Awards of Excellence for ECT 110 – first-year poster competition were awarded as follows:
First-Year: ECT 110 –

Group T11: Alexander Siembab, Garrett Gottschall

Insect-Like Bot

Prof. Sohn

Group T12: Randolph Wardlaw, Samuel Ferrini

Soccer Player Bot

Prof. Sohn

The Senior Design and Project-Based Courses - Students work on projects in their field of study with faculty mentors or external project sponsors to design, fabricate, and/or test a device, process, or system. This is a major design experience based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work, and incorporating industry appropriate standards and realistic constraints. Students participating are enrolled in:

- CE 420: Water Quality Engineering I

- CE 460: Civil Engineering Design Project

- ECE 482 / 483: ECE Capstone Design I & II

- ECT 471 / 481: Senior Design Project I & II

- ES 493: Engineering Research

Poster Evaluation Criteria - The following criteria were used by judges to evaluate the projects and posters and to choose the winning designs/posters:

1.  Clarity of the poster and oral presentations.

2.  Students’ overall responses to the questions of the judges.

3.  The completeness of the work.

4.  Quality of the project.

The Awards of Excellence for senior design and project-based courses – senior poster competition were awarded as follows:
Seniors: Design Projects -

Group S4: Katherine Bednarz

Dredging for Town of Holland – Hamilton Reservoir, MA

Prof. Saleh Keshawarz – CE 460

Group S12: Jan Ghalib

Solar UPS for Home Router

Technical Advisor: Prof. Krista Hill – ECE 483

Group S15: Thienly Nguyen

Wii Balance Board as a Force Plate: A Validation Study

Technical Advisor: Prof. Mary Arico – ES 493
Thank you to all who participated, coordinated, judged and attended.  The CETA Design Expo is an event held each semester and we look forward to the next event in the spring of 2018. 

Congratulations again to all the award recipients!  


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